MAIN FUCTIONS:ACCREDITATION, RECRUITMENT & TRAININGQuality profiling of recruits/applicants.Facilitates initial interview and exam.Monitors and processes of Suntrustee Mobilization Fund (SMF).Conducts house rules orientation, PKS for newly accredited Suntrustee and Brokers.Conducts recruitment of Brokers to increase the numbers of productive groups.Prepares accreditation requirements, renewal of contracts.BOOKING SERVICESChecks thoroughly the reservation documents for booking.Ensures the completeness and veracity of the details of the reservation documents by conducting buyer's interview and verification.Processes the encoding and tagging of booking in the system.SALES ADMIN SUPPORTManages the satelite sales office - ensures its functionality, presentability to clients and positive impact to the community.Regular posting of activities, recognition of daily Sales Suntrustees production, project updates & new released memos and policies. Keeping everyone updated of what's happening in the local business.Conducts Project Knowledge Seminar & Site Tripping.Monitors the attendance and activities of each Suntrustee under the Coor's territory.Tracking of Sales Suntrustees social media digital marketing activities/ social media footprints that serves as daily attendance monitoring.Regular coordination with departments for materials, and key social media practitioners that will aid the significant increase of Sales Suntrustees virtual exposures.Prepares reports and RFPs for Suntrustee's request of budget and winnings.Monitors, checks and ensures the veracity of liquidations of SMF, PBMF, and other requested budgets.Promotes broker rewards and recognition program.Maintains constant communications with Suntrustees and Brokers to strengthen the bond and build loyalty to the company.MARKETING MANAGEMENT/ LEADS GENERATIONEnsures the timely awarding of online leads.Monitors the development of online leads per Suntrustee.Guide Sales Suntrustees new means of digital promotions through ~facilitate in creating FB Page/Personal Account, Twitter, Linked-In, Instagram, YouTube and other digital media platforms for Sales Suntrustees.Integrate social accounts management, and content marketing ~using monitoring apps, hashtags, and digital attendance monitoring.Regular information gathering of competitors trend and reinvention of means to engage more with clients' to "act-now" mode ~activity logs of every Suntrustee under his/her respective assigned territory.Facilitate implementation of approved online forums/summits by way of ~invitates creation & releasing, online registration creation and monitoring, materials facilitation, post-event monitoring (after Business Forum/Summit contact of Sales Suntrustees); creation and management of database.Prepares and monitors exhibit schedules.Conducts marketing research of direct competitors.LOGISTICS SUPPORTCoordinates tripping requests.Monitors on-site billboards, site beautifications and upkeep.Office/Showroom supplies and equipment inventory.